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Scuba Diving

Scuba diving is a mode of underwater diving. The diver uses a special underwater breathing apparatus called scuba to breathe underwater. SCUBA is the short form of ‘Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus’.Scuba divers usually carry compressed air as their own source of breathing gas. This allows them greater independence and freedom of movement. These days a mixture of air and oxygen called enriched air or nitrox has become popular. This benefits the divers by reducing nitrogen intake during long or repetitive dives.

Some of the best scuba diving destinations in the world include:

  • Sipadan Island, Malaysia.
  • Yongala, Queensland, Australia.
  • Great Blue Hole, Belize.
  • Cayman Islands.
  • Blue corner wall, Palau, Micronesia.
  • Bahamas.
  • Truk Lagoon, Micronesia.
  • Silfra, Iceland.

Scuba diving may be done for recreation or may be practiced professionally, including scientific, military and public safety roles. Commercial diving uses surface-supplied diving equipment. Scuba divers engaged in armed forces covert operations may be referred to as frogmen, combat divers or attack swimmers.

Some of the best scuba diving destinations in the world include:

A scuba diver uses fins attached to their feet primarily to move underwater. Other equipment includes a mask to improve underwater vision, exposure protection (ie: a wet suit or dry suit), equipment to control buoyancy, a diving regulator to control the pressure of breathing gas for diving, and equipment related to the specific circumstances and purpose of the dive. Some scuba divers use a snorkel when swimming on the surface. Scuba divers are trained and certificatied by instructors affiliated to the diver certification organisations which issue these certifications.

Scuba diving is the best way to explore the spectacular underwater world. You can get close with the wonders and gorgeous, colourful and diverse inhabitants. Over the years and the decades, scuba diving has evolved into a non-competitive but a very exciting adventure sport.

At HobbyLancer, you will be amazed to meet and learn from scuba divers world-wide. You will be attracted by the magic of underwater world. So where are you scuba diving next?

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