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What is an expedition? Expeditions are tours or journeys undertaken by either an individual or a group of people with a particular aim like that of exploration, research or war. Solo expeditions are undertaken by individuals and are usually carried out alone. Often, individuals are accompanied by other members on such expeditions to help them set up equipment etc but the actual expedition is carried out alone.

Educational expeditions are those that are run by schools, colleges, universities, etc for the purpose of enhancing knowledge and providing experiences. Such educational expeditions can be done in groups or solo though the preference for the latter is much less. Corporate expeditions are organised by companies and organisations with a view to increasing team effectiveness. Scientific expeditions, on the other hand, may comprise of researchers and explorers out to study unfamiliar cultures, environments, species etc.

Expedition is so much more than 'just travelling'. It teaches you to work together as a team, understand each other's strengths and weaknesses, overcome obstacles, become self- sufficient and provides you with some necessary physical and mental challenges. The best explorers in the world not only conquered adversity but overcame their very own mental and physical limitations during the process.

So how should the new explorer begin? Expeditions needn't be huge affairs like travelling to the polar caps alone or conquering the Mount Everest. Start with a small one that is close to your region or locality. Challenge your limits and work on those fears. As your confidence grows with each expedition, increase the level of challenge and head out to take on more daring adventures.

Expeditions require a certain level of responsibility. As explorers remember that you are out to explore the world at large and more often than not, expeditions can have adverse effects on fragile ecosystems. It is necessary to be careful and make sure that no negative impact on the environment should follow as a result of these expeditions.

Expeditions that are carried out for the sole intention of adventure are called adventure expeditions. Such expeditions challenge the physical limitations of a person more than the mental (for instance climbing mountains, kayaking, etc). Scientific ones are done with the purpose of seeking knowledge and making discoveries (for instance studying the delicate ecosystems in the Polar Regions).

Be safe during the expeditions. Expeditions involve a certain level of risk factor but proper planning and approach can minimise the level of risk to a great extent. Beginners should begin with places closer to home. You don't have to travel half the world in search of interesting destinations. Explore your surroundings and experience new places around yourself. Expeditions mean nothing without hardships. Be prepared to tackle challenges and obstacles that come your way. Else there's little point to set out on one if your limitations aren't confronted.

Choose places and countries that encourage expeditions and provide explorers with all the support they need. Learn to trust your team and always listen to your guts. Your instinct can save you in ways you cannot even think is possible.

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At Hobbylancer, find explorers in your locality, start your own expedition and invite other explorers to be a part of your team. Network and discover places to explore closer to home, watch famous explores recount their adventures and learn and gain knowledge. Organise workshops to encourage expeditions or find one in your locality to attend. Discover the world around you with Hobbylancer.

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